Make a Donation
We all win when we give to others in need.
Build the dream by donating to
Harmony Bites today!
Please donate online or by check. We also accept in-kind donations of publicly traded securities /shares, artwork, and other valuables such as gold and BitCoins. Include Harmony Bites in corporate giving and matching donation programs offered by your employer or businesses. Your donations are tax deductible. By giving to Harmony Bites, you save on individual, corporate and estate taxes through donated stock, appreciated investments including real-estate, farmland, and other commercial lots in urban settings. Your generous in-kind and other donation sustain our non-profit and empower the people we serve. Please consult your financial advisor and tax professional in matters of tax benefits arising from such donations including valuation and appraisal of any in-kind giving. Harmony Bites is not in a position to give any tax advice and take no responsibility for decisions made by the donor in this regard.
To discuss your donation options, please contact Nishat at (657) 427-6669 or email him directly nishat@harmonybites.org